Join us on Wednesday, May 8th at 7pm at Angier Elementary School for a panel discussion entitled “Exploring the Experiences of Asian American Students in Newton.” FORJ’s May city-wide meeting will explore:
the history and demographics of the Asian American community in Newton
the experiences of Asian American students in Newton
perspectives from a panel of students
a Q&A session
opportunities to learn more about the history of the Asian American community.
Our Facilitators are: Dr. Delia Cheung Hom, who served as the Director of Northeastern’s Asian American Center for 12 years, and has developed award-winning programs and mentored countless young scholars with a focus on building community and addressing issues of social justice. Dr. Natasha Warikoo, who is Associate Professor at Harvard Graduate School of Education, and author of The Diversity Bargain: And Other Dilemmas of Race, Admissions, and Meritocracy at Elite Universities. She lives in Cambridge and serves on the School Advisory Council for Vassal Lane Upper School.
Thank you to Delia Cheung Hom and FORJ Board Member, Vineeta Vijayaraghavan, for organizing this event! RSVP HERE
